Wonder Warehouse


Putting script to server

  • Download script from keymaster

  • Put in your server files

  • put ensure wonder_warehouse in your server.cfg

Creating key items

  • in folder items you have images and items.lua

  • put all images into ox_inventory/web/images

  • put this bellow (same as you have in items.lua) into ox_inventory/data/items.lua

['warehouse_key'] = {
    label = 'Key',
    weight = 30,
    stack = false,

Inserting into database

  • open your program where you work with your server database

  • find import file button

  • select import.sql file

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wonder_warehouse` (
  `charid` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `warehouse_id` int(16) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `id_warehouse_kc` varchar(8) DEFAULT NULL,
  `purchased` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'no',
  `pincode` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
  `opened` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'no',
  PRIMARY KEY (`warehouse_id`)

Last updated