Wonder Storage


Putting script to server

  • Download script from GitHub

  • Put in your server files

  • put ensure wonder_storage in your server.cfg

Inserting into database

  • open your program where you work with your server database

  • find import file button

  • select import.sql file

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wonder_storage` (
  `pincode` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
  `stash` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3 COLLATE=utf8mb3_general_ci;

How does it work?

Set the locations with a unique storage name in the config. Set the owner of the storage and restart the script.

The owner then accesses the storage and has to set a new PIN the first time it is opened. He then uses the set pin to access the storage.

He can share the PIN with other players and grant them access to the storage. If the player wants to change the pin, he can change it at the same place where he first set it.

If you have any problem, join our discord for support.

Last updated